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A tour is an onboarding component used to guide users through a new product feature or series of steps. It is often used to boost feature discoverability or onboard new users by highlighting specific elements on the page.



  • Support for different step types such as "dialog", "floating", "tooltip" or "wait".
  • Support for customizable content per step.
  • Wait steps for waiting for a specific selector to appear on the page before showing the next step.
  • Flexible positioning of the tour dialog per step.
  • Progress tracking shows users their progress through the tour.


To use the tooltip machine in your project, run the following command in your command line:

npm install @zag-js/tour @zag-js/react # or yarn add @zag-js/tour @zag-js/react

This command will install the framework agnostic tour logic and the reactive utilities for your framework of choice.


To set up the tooltip correctly, you'll need to understand its anatomy and how we name its parts.

Each part includes a data-part attribute to help identify them in the DOM.


First, import the tooltip package into your project

import * as tour from "@zag-js/tour"

The tour package exports two key functions:

  • machine — The state machine logic for the tour widget.
  • connect — The function that translates the machine's state to JSX attributes and event handlers.

Next, import the required hooks and functions for your framework and use the tour machine in your project 🔥

import * as tour from "@zag-js/tour" import { useMachine, normalizeProps, Portal } from "@zag-js/react" import { useId } from "react" function Tour() { const [state, send] = useMachine(tour.machine({ id: useId(), steps })) const api = tour.connect(state, send, normalizeProps) return ( <div> <div> <button onClick={() => api.start()}>Start Tour</button> <div id="step-1">Step 1</div> </div> {api.step && && ( <Portal> {api.step.backdrop && <div {...api.getBackdropProps()} />} <div {...api.getSpotlightProps()} /> <div {...api.getPositionerProps()}> <div {...api.getContentProps()}> {api.step.arrow && ( <div {...api.getArrowProps()}> <div {...api.getArrowTipProps()} /> </div> )} <p {...api.getTitleProps()}>{api.step.title}</p> <div {...api.getDescriptionProps()}>{api.step.description}</div> <div {...api.getProgressTextProps()}>{api.getProgressText()}</div> {api.step.actions && ( <div> { => ( <button key={action.label} {...api.getActionTriggerProps({ action })} > {action.label} </button> ))} </div> )} <button {...api.getCloseTriggerProps()}>X</button> </div> </div> </Portal> )} </div> ) } const steps: tour.StepDetails[] = [ { type: "dialog", id: "start", title: "Ready to go for a ride", description: "Let's take the tour component for a ride and have some fun!", actions: [{ label: "Let's go!", action: "next" }], }, { id: "logic", title: "Step 1", description: "This is the first step", target: () => document.querySelector("#step-1"), placement: "bottom", actions: [ { label: "Prev", action: "prev" }, { label: "Next", action: "next" }, ], }, { type: "dialog", id: "end", title: "Amazing! You got to the end", description: "Like what you see? Now go ahead and use it in your project.", actions: [{ label: "Finish", action: "dismiss" }], }, ]

Using step types

The tour machine supports different types of steps, allowing you to create a diverse and interactive tour experience. The available step types are defined in the StepType type:

  • "tooltip": Displays the step content as a tooltip, typically positioned near the target element.

  • "dialog": Shows the step content in a modal dialog centered on screen, useful for starting or ending the tour. This usually don't have a target defined.

  • "floating": Presents the step content as a floating element, which can be positioned flexibly on the screen. This usually don't have a target defined.

  • "wait": A special type that waits for a specific condition before proceeding to the next step.

const steps: tour.StepDetails[] = [ // Tooltip step { id: "step-1", type: "tooltip", placement: "top-start", target: () => document.querySelector("#target-1"), title: "Tooltip Step", description: "This is a tooltip step", }, // Dialog step { id: "step-2", type: "dialog", title: "Dialog Step", description: "This is a dialog step", }, // Floating step { id: "step-3", type: "floating", placement: "top-start", title: "Floating Step", description: "This is a floating step", }, // Wait step { id: "step-4", type: "wait", title: "Wait Step", description: "This is a wait step", effect({ next }) { // do something and go next // you can also return a cleanup }, }, ]

Configuring actions

Every step supports a list of actions that are rendered in the step footer.Use the actions property to define each action.

const steps: tour.StepDetails[] = [ { id: "step-1", type: "dialog", title: "Dialog Step", description: "This is a dialog step", actions: [{ label: "Show me a tour!", action: "next" }], }, ]

Changing tooltip placement

Use the placement property to define the placement of the tooltip.

const steps: tour.StepDetails[] = [ { id: "step-1", type: "tooltip", placement: "top-start", // ... }, ]

Hiding the arrow

Set arrow: false in the step property to hide the tooltip arrow. This is only useful for tooltip steps.

const steps: tour.StepDetails[] = [ { id: "step-1", type: "tooltip", arrow: false, }, ]

Hiding the backdrop

Set backdrop: false in the step property to hide the backdrop. This applies to all step types except the wait step.

const steps: tour.StepDetails[] = [ { id: "step-1", type: "dialog", backdrop: false, }, ]

Step Effects

Step effects are functions that are called before a step is opened. They are useful for adding custom logic to a step.

This function provides the following methods:

  • next(): Call this method to move to the next step.
  • show(): Call this method to show the current step.
  • update(details: StepDetails): Call this method to update the details of the current step (say, after data has been fetched).
const steps: tour.StepDetails[] = [ { id: "step-1", type: "tooltip", effect({ next, show, update }) { fetchData().then((res) => { // update the step details update({ title: res.title }) // then show show the step show() }) return () => { // cleanup fetch data } }, }, ]

Wait Steps

Wait steps are useful when you need to wait for a specific condition before proceeding to the next step.

Use the step effect function to perform an action and then call next() to move to the next step.

Note: You cannot call show() in a wait step.

const steps: tour.StepDetails[] = [ { id: "step-1", type: "wait", effect({ next }) { const button = document.querySelector("#button") const listener = () => next() button.addEventListener("click", listener) return () => button.removeEventListener("click", listener) }, }, ]

Showing progress dots

Use the api.getProgressPercent() to show the progress dots.

const ProgressBar = () => { const [state, send] = useMachine(tour.machine({ steps: [] })) const api = tour.connect(state, send, normalizeProps) return <div>{api.getProgressPercent()}</div> }

Tracking the lifecycle

As the tour is progressed, events are fired and you can track the lifecycle of the tour. Here's are the events you can listen to:

  • onStepChange: Fires when the current step changes.
  • onStatusChange: Fires when the status of the tour changes.
const Lifecycle = () => { const [state, send] = useMachine( tour.machine({ steps: [], onStepChange(details) { // => { stepId: "step-1", stepIndex: 0, totalSteps: 3, complete: false, progress: 0 } console.log(details) }, onStatusChange(status) { // => { status: "started" | "skipped" | "completed" | "dismissed" | "not-found" } console.log(status) }, }), ) const api = tour.connect(state, send, normalizeProps) // ... }

Methods and Properties

Machine Context

The tour machine exposes the following context properties:

  • idsPartial<{ content: string; title: string; description: string; positioner: string; backdrop: string; arrow: string; }>The ids of the elements in the tour. Useful for composition.
  • stepsStepDetails[]The steps of the tour
  • stepIdstringThe id of the currently highlighted step
  • onStepChange(details: StepChangeDetails) => voidCallback when the highlighted step changes
  • onStatusChange(details: StatusChangeDetails) => voidCallback when the tour is opened or closed
  • closeOnInteractOutsidebooleanWhether to close the tour when the user clicks outside the tour
  • closeOnEscapebooleanWhether to close the tour when the user presses the escape key
  • keyboardNavigationbooleanWhether to allow keyboard navigation (right/left arrow keys to navigate between steps)
  • preventInteractionbooleanPrevents interaction with the rest of the page while the tour is open
  • spotlightOffsetPointThe offsets to apply to the spotlight
  • spotlightRadiusnumberThe radius of the spotlight clip path
  • translationsIntlTranslationsThe translations for the tour
  • dir"ltr" | "rtl"The document's text/writing direction.
  • idstringThe unique identifier of the machine.
  • getRootNode() => ShadowRoot | Node | DocumentA root node to correctly resolve document in custom environments. E.x.: Iframes, Electron.
  • onPointerDownOutside(event: PointerDownOutsideEvent) => voidFunction called when the pointer is pressed down outside the component
  • onFocusOutside(event: FocusOutsideEvent) => voidFunction called when the focus is moved outside the component
  • onInteractOutside(event: InteractOutsideEvent) => voidFunction called when an interaction happens outside the component

Machine API

The time picker api exposes the following methods:

  • openbooleanWhether the tour is open
  • totalStepsnumberThe total number of steps
  • stepIndexnumberThe index of the current step
  • stepStepDetailsThe current step details
  • hasNextStepbooleanWhether there is a next step
  • hasPrevStepbooleanWhether there is a previous step
  • firstStepbooleanWhether the current step is the first step
  • lastStepbooleanWhether the current step is the last step
  • addStep(step: StepDetails) => voidAdd a new step to the tour
  • removeStep(id: string) => voidRemove a step from the tour
  • updateStep(id: string, stepOverrides: Partial<StepDetails>) => voidUpdate a step in the tour with partial details
  • setSteps(steps: StepDetails[]) => voidSet the steps of the tour
  • setStep(id: string) => voidSet the current step of the tour
  • start(id?: string) => voidStart the tour at a specific step (or the first step if not provided)
  • isValidStep(id: string) => booleanCheck if a step is valid
  • isCurrentStep(id: string) => booleanCheck if a step is visible
  • next() => voidMove to the next step
  • prev() => voidMove to the previous step
  • getProgressText() => stringReturns the progress text
  • getProgressPercent() => numberReturns the progress percent

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